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By clicking submit you agree to abide by this Code of Practice​

  1. Continued membership is dependent on adherence to this Code of Practice.
  2. No member will knowingly say anything publicly to disparage any other child restraint provider, no matter whether they are ACRI members or not.
  3. All services and advice will be provided using the most up to date information and are to comply with all recognised Australian standards, trade practices and local road authority legislation.
  4. Accredited membership is limited and is dependent on board approval.
  5. Communication methods will be complete and comprehensive when dealing with clients, including documentation.
  6. Documentation of any child restraint installation services must be complete and comprehensive.
  7. No member will behave in a way that will bring disrepute on any other member or ACRI.  This action will result in a member’s membership and accreditation being immediately revoked.
  8. ACRI logo and name will not be reproduced in any form that breaks the terms and conditions.
  9. Every member is required to notify ACRI of any product, restraint or vehicular, or informative updates that all members can benefit from.  We are to work together.
  10. All members must monitor and recognise their limitations, physical, technical or communicative and refer inquiries on to more appropriate resources as applicable
  11. All grievances will be dealt with in writing to ACRI who will communicate with the board for consultation and resolution.
  12. All accredited members are to be audited each year for quality assurance purposes.
  13. Under no circumstance is any member to present themselves as an employee or contractor of ACRI.  This includes, but is not limited to, accreditation services, media liason, etc.