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Toyota Hilux 2023 Crew Cab/Dual Cab Pickup

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Crew Cab/Dual Cab Pickup

Child Seat Overview

Mid Passenger, Mid Driver
Mid Center


  • This model can only have 2 child safety seats fitted, one on either side - It is not approved to fit a seat to the center location. Only use the Drivers side and Passenger side mid seat locations. The reason the center may not be approved is that the load is different and may damage the anchorage point in an impact.
  • For the upper tethers, ensure you use the loop guides provided near the headrest of the passenger and drivers seats.

*The two outer seats in the back both have ISO Fix points. There is only one metal top tether point in the HiLux, located on the car frame just behind the headrest of the central seat.

*Both child seats anchor to this top tether point. The two outer seats have a woven loop strap in their headrests that you pass the top tether strap through, then between the prongs of the headrest and along the back of the seats to connect to the single top tether point.

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