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Mazda 323 Astina 2003 VI Hatchback

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323 Astina

Child Seat Overview

Mid Passenger, Mid Driver


Mazda 3 and 323 Protege Hatchbacks were made to facilitate a child safety seat across any of the three rear seats. See the bullet points below;
  • Mid-Center upper tether assembly was fitted at factory and can be found under the rear hatch.
  • The location of the rear center position restricts the use of the boot space
  • We are waiting on confirmation on the upper tether anchorage locations for the driver and passenger sides. The manual, along with some reports indicate that there is an anchorage location behind the seat at the base. We've had field techs report that some are located on the rear of the hatch hidden under a round plastic cover. Remove this cover and you'll see a threaded receiver for an anchor assembly. Please seek confirmation from the manufacturer to ensure you aren't utilising a cargo tie down if the anchorage is unlabled.

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Vehicle: Mazda 323 Astina 2003 VI Hatchback