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What people say?

I didn't realise how much ACRI had influenced child restraint professionalism across every sector!
Bus Prop, VIC
I've been working with Child Safety products for many years - the ACRI training program blew me away - fantastic!
I have been investigating crashes for 15 years. I am thrilled to see the quality of this training. It's fantastic! I'm so pleased to be involved with ACRI.
Forensic Engineer, VIC
Our Child care service has constantly tried to meet our workplace obligations year after year, now we can self manage it - Thank you ACRI.
Administrator, QLD
Well done ACRI for a comprehensive and informative online training program. There was a good range of topics with some areas completely unknown to me. The research was in depth and practical to my needs. Assessment methods were of an exceptional standard, providing a very good learning tool. The language used and study level required were appropriate and thank you for the staff back up when I needed it.
Department of Human Services, VIC
Thank you so much for the training session; I have come away feeling confident in my knowledge of child restraints and how to install them. It is also awesome to know that I have the support of such a professional organisation as ACRI.
Jen Jarrad
Business Proprietor, Adelaide Baby Hire, SA
I attended the ACRI accredited course unsure of what to expect. I have been installing and servicing child restraints for many years. I am currently affiliated with RACV and VicRoads. The day was excellent, the content wide. I learnt a lot. I was able to speak with other people with front line knowledge. The trainer’s knowledge and delivery method was fantastic and the practical tasks were also wide, varied and pertinent. Thank You ACRI.
Darren N
Drouin, VIC
Thank you for your terrific delivery of the ACRI course. Despite dreary weather, late arrivals and no doubt a hectic week, you kept the day light and entertaining throughout. I found the course content pertinent, helpful and in some cases quite eye-opening. I have been installing/checking seats for my own three children over the last 12 years and realise now that I have been certainly under qualified for the position. I really enjoyed the anecdotes, I find this a terrific way to learn, and also that the trainer repeated the really important stuff throughout the day. The contact names and restraint information provided has proved invaluable, as are the new associations we made on the day. I leave the course with a whole new attitude to each car journey I make. Doing up car seats/adjustments are no longer the time-waster I had mistakenly imagined them to bit be. Now it's the most important part of the journey. I hope in our business we can pass some of this new found understanding to our clients. I look forward to a long association with ACRI.
Kylie Hanford
Business Proprietor, Banyo QLD
Even though I’ve been at the sharp end of child restraint design & development for nearly 30 years now, I am still learning new things about child safety in cars. The ACRI online training is one of the most concise training programs I have come across, and I can only compliment them on the way it has been designed in order to explain and force home the importance of understanding what child safety in the car is all about and how it should be achieved in a professional manner. Every effort has been made to make the complicated become simpler
Safety restraint engineer, VIC
I want to say that was possibly the best training course I've been on. Last week was a big week for me, including the 2 days prior to the course. I'd wondered how I was going to cope with a training course after such a week. But frankly I enjoyed every minute of it, and despite the big week leading up to the course, you always had my full attention. I now know the full importance of effective client communication and their ultimate satisfaction.
Steve Gamble
Business Proprietor, Sydney NSW
The ACRI is an invaluable part of the Australian child restraint community. Our hat goes off to the people involved in spreading the word of this very worthwhile initiative! We found this initiative originally because we wanted to offer the best possible service to our customers hiring child restraints from our business Travel Bubs. But for us at Travel Bubs it goes beyond that, being parents ourselves we are disgusted at how much misinformation is out there and truly believe every parent should be given the advice and training we received to at least be knowledgeable in an area of basic parenting. Safety is always at the forefront of parents minds if only they knew ACRI existed they could equip themselves adequately. Knowledge is power!! Well done to the founders of ACRI- you deserve more than a pat on the back- you deserve a medal!
Christopher & Claire Martin
Directors of Travel Bubs Pty Ltd, Cairns QLD
For the uninitiated, the Pregnancy, Babies and Children’s Expo is a huge event with around 15,000 -20,000 people* visiting over three days. Most attendees are new or soon-to-be parents looking for good information, good products and services. Over the years I've had the privilege of working these Expo's alongside the ACRI stand where we've had a seat rig display along with a selection of restraints. This alone generated a good amount of interest. It was hard work at times, but overall my experience at the Expo was extremely satisfying. The people we spoke to were receptive to our message and learned a lot from our perspectives and anecdotes on what purchase would suit their needs best and how they should use their own products. I came away feeling I’d truly made a difference in getting the safety message out there. For those of you that can make it to an ACRI training and or community event, I thoroughly recommend you spend some time doing it. You’ll meet some great people, pick up a few customers and also feel good about your contribution to kid’s safety. As an added bonus you’ll also have some good one-on-one time with ACRI staff. This was a great opportunity to share experiences and perhaps learn some new tricks along the way. If you can get a chance to participate with the ACRI at a PBC Expo, join in. You won’t regret it!
Peter Miller
Passionate participant and Inventor, Adelaide SA
I have many years experience dealing with child restraints personally and I found the ACRI online training excellent. I really enjoyed the course; once I started I couldn't "put it down". The interface worked very well and the inclusion of record keeping and communication factors was appreciated. The info provided was fantastic and it was clear that it was relevant, correct and up to date. Repetition of earlier chapters during subsequent quizzes was a good back up to the important information. It was good that if any questions needed to be re-attempted you got to review the important points of the complete unit. It was well written full of interesting info. The online option was great for me due to my daytime work commitments.
FDC Educator and child restraint facilitator, NSW
Thanks very much for the ACRI training. Having done courses before I'm really impressed by what I learned, it’s a great course much better than I had anticipated. I'm really glad I attended as it has given me lots of new knowledge and confidence. Thanks again, I’m really glad I'm an ACRI member. More recently I participated in evaluating the ACRI online Program 'A' training course for my staff and really enjoyed renewing my knowledge on client care ie:- how to proceed with appropriate pre-fitting questions, how to impart the key information post-installation and to have permission to say "I need to look into this further". The range of topics was great, covering all aspects of what I do every day as a restraint professional. I feel well informed across the broad landscape that this job covers. There was plenty of info in each introduction to the units. And it was easy to use. I found it an absolute bonus that I could work at my own pace in my own office and not be affected by other participants in a group. I also appreciated that I did not have to wait for a scheduling to ‘get into a session’ that doesn't eventuate.
Danni Guerreiro
Business Proprietor, Rock-A-Bye Baby Equipment Hire, NSW
I would like to say that the training you provided was fantastic and will be extremely helpful for me in my business.
Tatianna Sotiropoulos
Business Proprietor, Sydney NSW

A few words from ACRI's founding director

Accurate communication is and always has been the key factor in dealing with the correct use of child restraints. Complying with the instructions supplied with these products often doesn’t satisfy a parents’ perception and or their safety concerns. Sterile test conditions executed by highly skilled engineers are not a true reflection of the real child restraint environment and its daily use. Parenting and child care communities need real help at all stages and not just for infants and young children which is a common belief.

In recent years the child restraint environment has become much more challenging. There have been many changes, with products, road rules and guidelines, but all of the basic safety principles haven’t changed at all. To protect every passenger travelling on our roads requires the same understanding today that it did twenty five years ago. However, as each year passes we gain more challenges with incorrect child restraint use, not less.

Throughout recent years our communities have been exposed to even more confusing factors promoted through a variety of sources. Modern methods of communications, such as Facebook and Twitter, have also given any interested individuals a voice to large audiences with little accountability of the advice they offer. Some individuals and interest groups are promoting good ideas, but many do not. With so many sources influencing child restraint understanding, how can the general consumer discern the difference between quality and misleading information?

Our advice for all parents and service providers is simple.

1) Focus on the safe travel principles first. (See our FAQ’s on ‘Safe travel principles’)
2) Choose a restraint product that’s easy to use when applying the practical application of those safe travel principles.
3) Also consider what your vehicle will allow or contribute to the ease and correct use of the restraint you choose. Purchase your restraint product from retailers who have some knowledge in this respect.

Those three simple messages can help everyone, everyday.

We hope that if you can follow these simple steps you’ll not become a victim of general advice when your particular environment is specific. The likely variations are infinite, influenced by factors such as: Your child or mix of children, your family needs, your vehicle including all of its inherent limitations, your specific restraint products and your ability to cope with the practical requirements demanded by some restraint products.
Rob Newman
Melbourne (Vic)